Tiger Shroff starrer ‘Baaghi 3’ hit the screens last Friday and opened to a good response with Rs 17.50 crore nett. However on its second day at the box office the film registered a drop in collections. According to the latest report on Boxofficeindia.com, the film raked in Rs 15.5-16 crore nett range on Saturday. Mass centres were expected to dive, however major multiplexes also registered a drop of 5%, which otherwise should have gone up.
‘Baaghi 3’ got the biggest release of the year with 4300 screens. For a Hindi film not dubbed in a South language, this action entertainer fetched the widest release in Tamil Nadu / Kerala. ‘Baaghi 3’ released in 120 cinemas in Kerala and in close to 100 theatres in Tamil Nadu. Tiger has a good following in Kerala, which is evident by the numbers that his action films rake in.
For ‘Baaghi 3’, the best figures came from Gujarat / Saurashtra, CP Berar, Bihar and Odisha circuits as smaller multiplexes and single screens fetched good collections. On the other hand Delhi NCR, Punjab and Mumbai saw average collection and can do better in the coming days. It is expected that the collections may increase or decrease with the upcoming Holi celebration across the country, however it will be difficult to see how the festival will be celebrated with the coronavirus outbreak. With Holi celebrations on Monday, ‘Baaghi 3’ will record a normal day collection on Wednesday.
If ‘Baaghi 3’ manages to sustain on normal days, then it could emerge as a box office hit. Delhi NCR and East Punjab circuits are important for the film. Till now, all the three films from the ‘Baaghi’ franchise have managed to open well.
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