Yesterday on the occasion of Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao’s birth anniversary, Nandamuri Balakrishna visited NTR Ghat and made sensation comments by saying that none of the Tollywood celebrities had invited him to their meeting with the Telangana Cinematography Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav and later with Chief Minister KCR. Balakrishna also alleged that the meetings with Talasani Srinivas Yadav were held to discuss real estate business and it had nothing to do with the concerns of the Telugu film industry. Yesterday evening, Mega Brother Naga Babu released a video on his YouTube channel in which he lashed out at Balakrishna. Demanding an apology from Balakrishna, Naga Babu said that Simha star has insulted not only the Telugu film industry but also the Telangana government.
Nandamuri Balakrishna’s comments have drawn criticism from his co-stars and netizens. Chiranjeevi‘s brother Naga Babu took offense at Balakrishna’s remarks and sought an apology from him.
Naga Babu said to Balakrishna in a video, “You are not the king of the film industry. You should learn to talk responsibly. You cannot talk whatever you want. Your comments are definitely not in good taste. Especially, your expression to describe the meeting and terming it a real estate business is objectionable. By doing this, You disrespected the Telangana government and the film industry. You should know your limits and apologize for it.”