Ekta Kapoor recently took to her social handle and shared a video of a zoom meeting with her team who wrote Naagin 5. However, she revealed that she is clueless about who Naagin is.
Naagin 5 is one of the hot topics in the entertainment world right now. Ekta Kapoor’s brainchild, Naagin has reached it’s fourth installment and would soon make way for the fifth. The TV czarina is quite excited for the same however, she recently revealed that she has no clue who the next Naagin would be. Ekta took to her social handle and shared a video from her zoom meeting session with her creative team of Naagin 5.
“So, Ive been doing Zoom meetings with the team, but they’re not even telling Me who is ‘Naagin’ in ‘Naagin 5’ …from what I know, there are 2… can someone help me pls!! ? ? My creative producers and writers are keeping me out of it …Maybe @colorstv can tell me !! #Naagin @balajitelefilmslimited,” she captioned the video post.
Meanwhile, Naagin aka Nia Sharma from Naagin 4 recently shared amazing pictures in which she could be seen dolled up as a bride. In her post the actress has revealed that new episodes of Naagin 4 will air from 18th July onwards. “If I’d ever be convinced about getting married, It would only be for dressing up so much or maybe i’d actually be blind in love…? #naagin4 #18thjuly @colorstv,” she captioned the post.
Naagin 4 finale would air soon and will see Karishma Tanna and Surbhi Jyoti returning as Naagins. “Ekta wanted to keep the touch of her previous seasons intact with this one, hence the leads of previous seasons Mouni Roy and Surbhi Jyoti to be part of Naagin 5. Seeing all the four leading ladies in one frame will be sheer delight for the Naagin fans,” a source close to the development told Spotboye.