Power Star Pawan Kalyan is currently working with Venu Sriram for an upcoming film Vakeel Saab, the remake of Hindi movie Pink, which is being jointly bankrolled by Dil Raju and Boney Kapoor. The shoot of Vakeel Saab was halted due to lockdown. The movie Vakeel Saab was slated for 15th May initially but it was postponed. We have already reported that the Telangana government responded on a positive note for the requests made by TFI.
The makers of Vakeel Saab are planning to resume the shoot from the mid of June. Almost 30 days of the film Vakeel Saab’ shoot is pending. Dil Raju is planning to complete the shoot of the film Vakeel Saab as soon as possible. Dil Raju requested Power Star Pawan Kalyan to allocate his dates in the month of June, Gabbar Singh star responded on a positive note.
Pawan Kalyan is also planning to complete the shoot of Vakeel Saab first before joining the sets of his next which will be helmed by Krish. The movie Vakeel Saab can be wrapped up with limited crew members and hence Pawan Kalyan is in plans to complete the shoot of this courtroom drama soon. Vakeel Saab also has Nivetha Thomas, Anjali, Prakash Raj in curial roles.