After the Tamil Nadu government granted permission to start the post-production works, several biggies have resumed the post-production works. Kamal Haasan’s Indian 2 is one of the much-hyped movies of Kollywood. The shooting of Indian 2 was happening at a brisk pace when the lockdown was imposed. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Shankar is planning to bring RX 100 bombshell Payal Rajput to shake a leg for the special song in Indian 2.
The sources close to the makers revealed that Shankar is thinking of roping in Payal Rajput into ‘Indian 2‘ for an item song. There is reportedly a situation in Indian 2 that requires a special dance number and Shankar decided to bring Payal Rajput on the board for this song. Let’s wait for an official announcement regarding the inclusion of Payal Rajput in Indian 2.
Kamal Haasan’s Indian 2 is a sequel of 1996 film of the same name. Directed by Shankar, the movie has Kajal Aggarwal and Rakul Preet Singh as the leading ladies. Indian 2 shooting was brought to a halt after three crew members lost their lives on the sets of the film. The accident happened after a crane in the property came down crashing. Bankrolled by Lyca Productions, Indian 2 also has Siddharth in a crucial role. It is expected that the makers will resume with the shooting as soon as the lockdown is lifted.