The plot details for Netflix‘s upcoming Resident Evil show were reportedly posted and then removed yesterday, revealing the show’s new location.
The first details of Netflix’s upcoming Resident Evil show have surfaced online, and although they disappeared almost as quickly fans were able to retain access to them via the internet’s WaybackMachine. Fans have been aware of Netflix’s proposed Resident Evil adaptation for over a year now, but there has been little word from either Capcom or the streaming service about its production.
Although the Resident Evil series has seen drastic fluctuations in fan reception to their titles, the most recent remake of Resident Evil 2 was considered by many to be one of the best games the franchise has ever produced, and Capcom’s last all-new title, Resident Evil VII, was well-received despite the switch from the series’ long-used third person perspective to more of an FPS view. Many players are also quite fond of the Resident Evil movie franchise, which spans six films and stars Milla Jovovich. Fans have been eagerly awaiting any news on the upcoming Resident Evil Netflix television show adaptation, and recent actions by the company could suggest such an announcement is coming soon.
As shared by user @RE_Wiki on Twitter and easily confirmed by using the WaybackMachine, it looks as if Netflix’s Resident Evil show won’t be taking place in Raccoon City at all, but instead will be set in the town of Clearfield, MD. These plot details were reportedly uploaded to Netflix’s website and then removed shortly thereafter, suggesting that perhaps it just wasn’t quite time to make a formal announcement yet.
The user goes on to suggest that fans take this news with a grain of salt, as this information was received secondhand and apparently was first discovered by @residentevildb. However, the Resident Evil TV show description’s placement on Netflix’s site does lend an air of credibility to the information, even without an actual confirmation from the company themselves.
Until such a confirmation does come, fans can only speculate. Will this new Resident Evil TV series take place in a different continuity than the games or the movies? How much pull does the Umbrella Corporation have in Washington, D.C.? Will the T-Virus perfume make a return? Viewers will have to wait to find out the answers to these questions, but hopefully by setting the upcoming Netflix Resident Evil TV series somewhere other than Raccoon City the creators can avoid rehashing the same zombie outbreak plots players have seen millions of times by now.