• Boxer’s father was ‘fit with no health issues’
  • ‘It’s seriously not worth the risk’

Anthony Yarde’s father has died of coronavirus, the British light-heavyweight has said. The 28-year-old, who said his father had been “fit with no health issues”, urged people to stay at home to help combat the spread of the virus, in a statement released on Instagram.

Yarde wrote: “I’m a very private person and tbh I’m still in shock but maybe this can help people stay at home. My dad passed away from this virus yesterday and he was fit with no health issues. The more people go out and mingle the longer this isolation will last and the more it will spread. I’m not a doctor but I do know if you stay home you are less likely to catch it or pass it on. It’s seriously not worth the risk.”

A statement from Yarde’s promoter, Frank Warren, said: “Frank Warren and everyone at Queensberry Promotions would like to express sincere condolences to Anthony Yarde and his family after the untimely passing of his father.

“Coronavirus is an issue affecting all of us, but that doesn’t make the individual casualties any less tragic. We hope that his fans listen to Anthony’s heartfelt plea for people to take the government’s advice seriously so we can try and minimise the suffering of others.”

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