There have been rumours that Anushka Shetty has been approached to play the leading lady in Vinnayathandi Varuvaaya sequel, which will be directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon. But Anushka cleared the air on it.
During an interview, the actress said that he has that she has a two film deal with the director, and that they are close enough to work anytime of the year, without any call sheets. ‘Gautham and I are very close. He can call me anytime and happily discuss the story with me,’ she said.
Going by this, the latest news is that she finally agreed to her second film with Gautham, and for this, she might pair up with Kamal Haasan for the very first time. It is said that this film might be the sequel of Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu, Raghavan in Telugu. Reports suggest that Gautham had narrated the story to Kamal already and that he has been impressed with the script too.
Anushka has also given a green signal to be part of this film which will be bankrolled by Vels Film International and Harris Jayaraj will score the music. Once Kamal wraps up Indian 2, which is not going to be anytime soon, this sequel will go on floors.