The most controversial reality show Bigg Boss 4 Telugu is coming soon, and its makers officially announced the upcoming season on Monday evening. The music for this small teaser was composed by Mani Sharma. According to the latest reports, Akkineni Nagarjuna is expected to host season 4 as well. He had earlier hosted season 3 of Bigg Boss. The reports are coming that all the contestants have been finalized. But none of the contestants came to Star Maa’s office and selection happened only through zoom calls. The makers of Bigg Boss 4 Telugu are bringing the most controversial Contestants this time in the house.
The rules, and regulations, and the tasks will change as the makers have taken coronavirus into consideration and they are planning to reduce physical activities but there will be more tasks for the members that require them to sanitize the house. Right from the contestant picking, remuneration, and shoot updates with Nagarjuna, everything was done on Zoom calls.
There is a lot of speculation on how the Bigg Boss show will be conducted this time, amid the rising coronavirus cases. The sources added that there will be separate cubicles this time, with separate beds.
Meanwhile, all the general guidelines that are meant for film and TV shoots need to be maintained.