The sensational director Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV is coming up with a movie Power Star, based on the life of Pawan Kalyan. The satirical web film, directed by RGV, will be available on RGV World Theatre from July 25. Power Star will be released at 11 am. RGV himself confirmed the same by sharing a post on Twitter.
Officer helmer said, “The full movie of Power Star will be releasing on 25th July at 11 AM and before that the trailer of ‘POWERSTAR’ will be launched on 22nd July at 11 AM and at same time advance booking of Power Star full movie will open at a price of Rs.150/- plus Gst per ticket.” The film Power Star will be the first one to be out on RGV World Theatre.
The trailer of Power Star will be out on 22nd July, at 11 am. And the people can watch it by paying that Rs 25. RGV said, “This is the first time in the world that a trailer is coming for a ticket price.
” He added, “Rs.150/- per view of Power Star offer in rgv world theatre will only be till 25th July 11 am .From 25 th July 11 am ticket cost will be hiked to Rs.250 like how one has to buy ticket in black at premium, So you can save Rs.100 if you pre book and not wait till release.”