Reports have suggested that the new Call of Duty game will take place in the Cold War era and could possibly be Black Ops 5.

Despite the immense success of 2019’s Modern Warfare, it appears as if the Call of Duty series will be once again staying true to its annual release schedule. In a recent earnings call, Activision Blizzard confirmed that another title in the franchise would be hitting shelves in 2020, although the company doesn’t seem to think it will come close to matching Modern Warfare.

After confirming that a new Call of Duty would be coming out this year, Activision Blizzard went on to say that the company doesn’t expect the game to have a launch as successful as Modern Warfare. The reps also omitted the name of who will be developing the game, which is an irregularity in these types of calls.

Granted, Modern Warfare was the most successful Call of Duty title on the current generation of consoles, and expecting a new game to do just as well one year later would be generously optimistic. That being said, Activision Blizzard’s forecast certainly provides some clarity as to where the Call of Duty franchise is heading.

Given just how popular Modern Warfare is, there is no doubt that the game will continue to be updated with new competitive seasons, battle passes, maps, and whatever else Activision Blizzard decides to add. Although it may no longer be the latest game in the series, it’s very likely that it remains the focal point.

Still, the question of what a new Call of Duty might consist of is out there. The franchise will want to grab the attention of those who are still playing Modern Warfare and convince them to spend another $60.

Reports have suggested that the new game will take place in the Cold War era and could possibly be Black Ops 5, while others have speculated that it might be a more story-focused game, or even a remaster of a classic title. It’s easy to imagine a Modern Warfare 2 or Black Ops remaster selling well, and that’s certainly possible considering Activision Blizzard has recently hinted at remastering several older games.

Either way, it is a bit frustrating to see a franchise release one too many games and eventually play itself out. Hopefully 2020’s Call of Duty will complement Modern Warfare, and won’t just be another copy and paste rehash, or gimmick-based shooter like several other entries in the long running franchise.