Starting from January the 15th until February the 16th, players will be able to enjoy the new Stadium Map every weekend from Thursday to Sunday.
The new Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege in-game event, the Road To S.I. 2020, has just started and with it, comes a limited-time Stadium map, exclusive content and a new battle pass. The event will run until the end of Ubisoft’s main event of the year, the Six Invitational 2020 in Montreal, Canada.
Starting from January the 15th until February the 16th, players will be able to enjoy the new Stadium Map every weekend from Thursday to Sunday. They will also be able to access the first Battle Pass for Rainbow Six Siege, with some of the proceeds going towards the Six Invitational Prizes.
According to Bleeding Cool, the stadium map features walls made of bulletproof glass, which allows players to see their enemies without being able to engage them. For this event, all the operators will be available whether they are unlocked or not. Six competitors, Blitz, Caveira, Hibana, Mozzie, Sledge, and Thermite will be automatically equipped with their Road to S.I gear. The matches available are Bomb matches with Pick and Ban. Each match will last three rounds with a three-round rotation.
The Battle Pass that comes with the event will be available with a Free Track, and a Premium Track, each with 35 tiers. There’s a total of 48 rewards for players, including the exclusive customization options available in the Road to S.I game mode. The Premium Bundle costs 1200 R6 credits and the Premium Bundle that unlocks the first twelve tiers and the Premium Pass costs 2400 R6 Credits. Each tier can be individually unlocked for 180 R6 Credits, or by playing the game.
The cost of 1200 credits is $14.00, and each Battle Pass will contribute 30% to the prize pool for the World Championship taking place next month. The maximum limit of the contribution is $3 million, and the rest will be allocated to other Rainbow Six Siege Esports programs.
Ubisoft is obviously trying to create hype for their main event of the year, and an in-game event with exclusive content is a brilliant way to get players involved and generate some buzz. Some players might appreciate the new Battle Pass, while others will feel that it’s unnecessary and just another cash-grab tactic by Ubisoft.