Bill Gates’ daughter Jennifer Gates has announced her engagement to Egyptian showjumper Nayel Nassar.The Microsoft founder’s eldest child shared a photo on her Instagram account Wednesday revealing that Nassar, who helped Egypt qualify for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, had proposed.”Nayel Nassar, you are one of a kind. Absolutely swept me off my feet this past weekend, surprising me in the most meaningful location over one of our many shared passions,” Gates wrote alongside a photo of the pair sitting on snow.She added that she “can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives learning, growing, laughing and loving together.”
The couple, who both attended Stanford University, each have a love for the equine sport. Gates told CNN’s EQ equestrian show last year: “Horses are just one part of our life, but we love the sport.”He’s a professional, and I do this as an amateur. So, to be able to share our love and passion for horses with each other is just incredible.”
In October last year, Nassar helped Egypt qualify for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games by winning the CSIO4*-W Nations Cup of Rabat. The feat led to the country’s first Olympic qualification for the sport in 60 years.Nassar also posted two other photos of the wintry proposal on his own Instagram account Wednesday, writing: “SHE SAID YES!!””I’m feeling like the luckiest (and happiest) man in the world right about now,” he captioned his pictures with his wife-to-be. “Jenn, you are everything I could have possibly imagined… and so much more. I can’t wait to keep growing together through this journey called life, and I simply can’t imagine mine without you anymore.”Nassar thanked his partner for “making every single day feel like a dream to me.”While Bill Gates has yet to release a statement on his daughter’s pending nuptials, his wife Melinda shared their daughter’s post on her Instagram story and said she is “thrilled” for the couple.