Former US President Donald Trump delivered his first lengthy political address since his election defeat. Returning to National Centerstage on Saturday night, he told Republicans in North Carolina that ‘our country is being destroyed before our eyes.’ During this, he once again blamed China for spreading the corona epidemic.

In his 90-minute speech, Trump hit out at President Joe Biden, saying the current leadership was bowing down to China, and the country was being vilified globally. Trump said America’s survival depends on our ability to elect Republicans at every entry level. It will start with the 2022 midterm elections.

Trump said, you look at our border, it is completely open. Illegal immigration is increasing at a level we have never seen before, and this is over a period of a few months. Drugs are flooding in, gas prices are rising, our industries are being plundered by foreign cyber attacks. The Biden administration is pushing toxic critical race theory and illegal discrimination into our children’s schools.

Trump surrounded China on the Corona epidemic and said that the whole world should come together and present a $10 trillion bill to China to compensate for the destruction caused by the virus. “It’s a very small number,” he said. The loss is much more than that. As a first step, all countries should collectively cancel any debt to China as a down payment to compensate for the destruction. Trump said, the countries of the world should no longer give money to China… but China should give money to the countries of the world.

Let us tell you that Donald Trump has been blaming China from the very beginning for spreading the corona virus in the world. He had called Corona a Chinese virus many times in his address. Recently, he once again said in his statement, the people of the world have now started to believe that what I said about Corona is correct.

Trump had said- ‘Now everyone, even the so-called enemy, has started saying that President Trump was right about the Chinese virus spreading from the Wuhan lab. China should pay 10 trillion dollars to America and the world for the destruction caused by this virus.