Reliance Jio has announced new ‘All-in-One‘ plans at Rs 222, Rs 333 and Rs 444. The new plans promise unlimited calling on Jio-to-Jio numbers, along with 1000 minutes for calling non-Jio numbers and 2GB daily data.

Reliance Jio has announced new ‘All-in-One’ plans which start at Rs 222, Rs 333, Rs 444 and Rs 555 each. The new plans promise unlimited calling on Jio-to-Jio numbers, along with 1000 minutes for outgoing calls to non-Jio numbers. Each plan offers 2GB data per day along with access to 100 SMS per day.

Recently, Jio was in the news because it decided to charge customers for the IUC or the Interconnect usage charge that telecom companies pay each other for calls made to other networks from their networks. TRAI has fixed IUC at 6 paise per minute, but Jio has claimed that the high number of outgoing calls from its network to other networks meant it was paying very high IUC charges compared to Airtel and Vodafone-Idea. It decided to pass on the cost to the customers with new IUC top-up vouchers.

The new plans appear to be damage control from Jio as it tries to offer more data and monthly validity to customers along with unlimited calls, even to non-Jio numbers. The Rs 222 plan comes with one month validity (28 days on prepaid) and 2GB daily data along with unlimited voice calls and SMS. The Rs 333 plan has a validity of two months, which means a total of 56 days. This one offers 2GB data per day as well along with rest of the benefits.

The plan of Rs 444 will come with three months validity or 84 days along with 2GB data per day and unlimited voice and SMS. Jio also says users will have the option of paying an extra amount of Rs 111 per month, and they will get one month of extra service. So if you have the Rs 222 plan, you can simply pay Rs 111 next month, and get another extra month’s service with 2GB data per day and the free IUC minutes. All three plans have 1000 free IUC minutes to make outgoing calls to non-Jio numbers.

There’s also a Rs 555 plan with 84 days validity and 2GB data per day, but the non-Jio number outgoing call limit is higher at 3,000 minutes. Jio claims the plans are offering most data compared to existing plans along with 1000 minutes IUC minutes, which would have cost the user an extra Rs 80 when purchased separately as a top-up voucher.

For example, the Rs 399 has an 84 day validity with only 1.5GB data per day. To get 1000 IUC minutes, users have to purchase a Rs 80 voucher, which is not needed in the new ‘All-in-one’ plans. Jio’s Rs 448 plan gives 2GB data per day for 84 days, but to get 1000 free IUC minutes to call non-Jio numbers, another Rs 80 needs to be spent. With the new Rs 444 plan, users do not have to do this.