Rebel Star Prabhas has today morning has given a sweet surprise to his fans. He is going to do a Telugu-Hindi bilingual titled Adi Purush which is going to be a mythological epic. The movie is the celebration of good over evil. Though not revealed everyone came to know that this movie is about the legendary epic tale Ramayana.
Apart from director, producer, and hero, nothing has been finalized yet. However, Manchu Lakshmi has given hint that she will absolutely love if she was offered Shurpanakha’s role in the movie. Shurpanakha is the sister of Ravanasur and she has ample importance in the tale.
Manchu Lakshmi tweeted about the movie update and revealed that she is quite excited about the project. A netizen tweeted that she will be suitable for the Shurpanakha role in the epic to which the actress replied “Woahhhh!!!!! I’m in. Where do I sign?”
The actress is always a game for a negative role. We have to wait and see whether she will get a role in the movie.