The young actor Nikhil Siddharth is all set to tie the knot with Pallavi Varma tomorrow. Their wedding will take place on Thursday at a private villa located on the outskirts of Hyderabad. Their marriage was supposed to be held on 16th April this year but it was postponed with the announcement of the lockdown. The sources say that their parents have agreed for the marriage and took permission from the Cyberabad police.
The wedding of Nikhil Siddharth and Pallavi Varma will be attended by only few family members and their relatives.
Restricting the guests to 30 members including close families of Nikhil and Pallavi, the families have decided to maintain social distancing. Their wedding will be done as per Hindu traditions with all rituals.
It is known news that Nikhil Siddharth got engaged to his girlfriend Pallavi Varma in the month of February in a traditional ceremony.
Two days ago, noted producer and distributor Dil Raju tied knot to Tejaswini aka Vygha Reddy at a temple in Nizamabad. Yesterday, Baahubali star Rana Daggubati announced his love of life, Miheeka Bajaj.
According to the government guidelines, the guest lists should not cross 50 members and everyone should maintain physical distancing at all times.